Established in 2000, the Peace Studies Program at the University Of North Texas is
the only program of its kind in the southern and southwestern United States. Students
learn the latest, cutting research and peacebuilding in practice.
The Peace Studies Program offers four different scholarship opportunities for students
Castleberry Peace Institute meets with the Arhuaco people in Nabusimake, Colombia
The Castleberry Peace Institute was in Nabusimake - Capital of the elder brother,
and had the honor of reaching an agreement to work with the Arhuaco people of the
Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta - Heart of the World and the United States Institute
of Peace to understand the consequences of the conflict in this territory. the Arhuaco
people will provide guidance and strategies to deal with the impacts when nature has
been declared a victim.
UNT Professors Share Experiences on Fulbright-Hayes Program in Colombia